Carwash Communicator - Phone and Desktop Communication

Carwash Communicator is a tool designed to simplify your inbox built by multisite carwash operators. Customers reach out to us by every means imaginable including: calling, texting, emailing, messaging, web chat, Whatsapp...and whatever comes in the future. Carwash Communicator allows you to set up contact methods for each of your locations and everyone on your team that you designate can see the messages.

It then takes each contact method message, marks it by location and customer, and puts the message in a single inbox.

You can now return messages in the same format that you received the message from a single app: Carwash Communicator. Your entire team sees the message response. You can also correlate messages across communication channels so if someone sent you a text a week ago, and sends a Facebook message today, you can see the history in a single interface. You can have dedicated phone numbers by location that will even mask your personal cell phone number. This allows everyone on the team to be part of the customer support process and keeps customer messages from being stranded on a single personal cell phone. What else would you like to see supported within Carwash Communicator? Select the "Make a Wish" link in the app or on this website and top feature requests will be incorporated into the platform.

Carwash Communicator - Users Screen
Carwash Communicator - Communications Screen
Carwash Communicator - Dashboard Screen